
Film TV artist and internationally renowned astrologer and tarot card reader Dr. Shachee keshri received “Jyotish Shiromani”

Mumbai / Raipur Chhattisgarh……Under kanyakubj brahman samaj, akhand brahman samaj seva samiti, parashariya Jyotish Sansthan Raipur and shri Mahakal dham amleshwar, first national Astrology Smmelan was organized by on March 9th 2025 in which film TV artists and internationally renowned astrologers and tarot card reader from Mumbai participated. tarot Card reader Dr. Shachee Keshri was also invited. In this huge astrology conference, Dr. Shachee Keshri was “Jyotish Shiromani” award for the work and research done towards astrology.

Under the guidance of the President kanyakubj Brahman samaj Pandit Arun Shukl, President Akhand Brahman samaj seva samiti Pandit Yogesh Tiwari The program was successful with the cooperation of Pt.Surendra mishr, Pt.Raghvendra mishr,Pt.Ranjjan Agnihotri,mrs Nisha avsthi,Pt.Santosh Dube,Pt.Arvind Ojha. Chief guest in the conference was from Raipur Pt.Lakshmikant Sharma (Dev Panchang),Professor Pt.Vishnu Prasad Shastri and from Ujjain pt. Ishwar Chandra Dubey as well as pt.Santosh Mishra,Smt.Pragya Dwivedi Raipur, Punam Shukla Bilaspur, Hitesh Guruji and Hina Ojha from Mumbai, Ramesh Vyas Bikaner, Divine more than 100 astrology scholars including Dr. Shachee keshri from Mumbai participated.

Dr. Shachee Keshri is also a well-known film TV artist who has worked in popular TV shows till now and you are soon going to see her in a big role in a big project in the world of television. At the same time, people seeking advice for astrology and tarot cards at the global level contact countries like Australia, Canada, America, Dubai, New Zealand etc. A few years ago, he has also been awarded the standard doctorate degree in Vedic Astrology in Thailand as an astrologer and tarot card reader.

raju bohra

लेखक पिछले 28 वर्षो से बतौर फ्रीलांसर फिल्म- टीवी पत्रकारिता कर रहे हैं और देश के सभी प्रमुख समाचार पत्रों तथा पत्रिकाओ में इनके रिपोर्ट और आलेख निरंतर प्रकाशित हो रहे हैं,साथ ही देश के कई प्रमुख समाचार-पत्रिकाओं के नियमित स्तंभकार रह चुके है,पत्रकारिता के अलावा ये बतौर प्रोड्यूसर दूरदर्शन के अलग-अलग चैनल्स और ऑल इंडिया रेडियो के लिए धारावाहिकों और डॉक्यूमेंट्री फिल्म का निर्माण भी कर चुके है। आपके द्वारा निर्मित एक कॉमेडी धारावाहिक ''इश्क मैं लुट गए यार'' दूरदर्शन के''डी डी उर्दू चैनल'' प्रसारित हो चुका है। संपर्क - journalistrajubohra@gmail.com मोबाइल -09350824380

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