पहला पन्ना

She was a perfect TV journalist. (A short story)

Sapana was very much busy with her up coming programme about no-smoking. The chief guest had already come and all the technicians were engaged to have there tools in right positions. Everything was being prepared in hurry in the newsroom. She glanced herself in a handy-mirror and looked to the camera man. ‘Are you ok, madam?.’ asked the camera man.

‘Yes,’ she answered and looked to the chief guest Batra,’ Mr. Batra ! Are you ready?’

‘Yes’ he said politely.

The countdown started. five…four…three…two…one..zero.

 ‘You all are welcome in hour special show no-smoking. People all around the globe are very much addicted with dangerous smoking habits. At first I would like to go through the latest WHO report of smoking…and then will talk to the expert and today’s chief guest Mr Ramesh Batra who would explain the horror of smoking….,’ she started to explore her screen story confidently.

She was a perfect TV journalist.

One after another she presented the facts and figures about the horror of smoking, then turned to the chief guest, ‘how we can make the world smokeless? As you have just seen that it is affecting millions of millions people and one of the most important cause of increasing untimely death…’

‘Well! We have to start a crusade against smoking, first we have to aware the people against it and have to save the next generation. Smoking is bad,’ explained Bartra.  

The program went well, she tried her hard to explain all the inns and outs of the smoking.

After finishing the program she came out of the news room. Her phone started ringing. She was being congratulated from all around the country for an excellent presentation, specially from her boss. Many people said that they were in mood to leave the smoking and were going to use the methods that had been shown and discussed in the program.

With the chief guest she went to the canteen. ‘What would you like, sir? she asked. ‘It was an excellent show…no-smoking…I would like a navy-cut.

She took navy-cut from a canteen boy and handed it to Batara. Batra lit the cigret and looked to her, ‘You don’t smoke?’

‘I love classic mild,’ she said and took out a packet of classic mild from her pocket. She opened the packet and pick up a classic mild and caught it in her lips. Batra lit the lighter for her. Having taking a deep puff she said, ‘thank you.’

Smoke was coming out form her mouth and nose after touching her heart.

The end

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  1. That’s why i proud to be an indian. Kitne unche vichar the unke “duniya ko sudharna hai chahe hum sudhre ya nahi” jai hind

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