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Thursday, May 2, 2024

La commune De Paris

1. After brutal defeat, Paris was under siege; The National Guard was formed for peace. Martin and Thomas were shot together; Auguste Blanqui was elected as Leader. ''Republican tricolore''...

सपने में बापू से मुलाकात (कविता)

गाँधी जयंती पर विशेष (धर्मवीर कुमार) कल रात सपने में मेरी, बापू से मुलाकात हुई. बापू तो गुस्से में थे, पर बहुत कुछ उनसे बात हुई. बापू बोले...

Some pages of a torn- diary (part 5)

11 May Today, in Pokhran Indian has tested its nuclear strength. The whole city is talking about it. I am very much depressed to listen...